I Wrote Articles for The Hemp Connoisseur in 2016
You probably did not know this, but I used to write for The Hemp Connoisseur out of Denver.

And you can still read them online over on Magzter…
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You can also read and even listen in audio on Medium.com/goshdarnblog
You probably did not know this, but I used to write for The Hemp Connoisseur out of Denver
It was the best magazine gig I ever had in my entire life and I’ve worked for a few.
They had both a national magazine and a Colorado edition
I got in the national magazine once or twice, but mostly I was in the Colorado edition, every single month, while I worked for them.
The print magazine scene is still around, even to this day because all you need is a sales team to collect advertising money, someone to make the ads in photoshop, a printer and a bunch of people with cars to drop off fifty magazines in a bundle at a time, around all the shops around town, and then you can even distribute them through Barnes and Noble on the magazine shelf, too.
And lastly you will need some talented writers to write articles for you like I did, haha!
I had wonderful experiences at this magazine and I got paid!
Weed became legal in Colorado in 2012, so by 2016 it was still going strong
I interviewed so many cannabis celebrities and CEOs it was insane!
One woman included cannabis as a lifestyle in her match-making service and I interviewed her. Another man included CBD in his dog walking and dog sitting service and I interviewed him.
My first interview was with Dennis Kitchen, Dope Comix legend, and that was like a christening into this career called interviewing other people.
One month I got three whole articles in one issue and this was definitely a highlight of my writing career!
Then I wrote Budtender Horror Stories and that was pretty cool
There was an unadvertised party for industry people only, budtenders and trimmers, every month, and I got to go once.
I’m sure I signed away my first born at the door and then preceded to walk around a big party with a DJ and MJ vendors — everybody was high and smoking joints provided by many rec dispensary companies that were local — so I went around with my hand-held recorder asking random industry people if they had any budtender horror stories to share.
Of course I decided to not include any names in the article. All anonymous. Weed is still illegal at the federal level as you already know!
And I swear this is true — after the article was published online, I saw that only VICE had done this idea first, before me and The Hemp Connoisseur had! I saw it in the Google Search data because I looked at the publishing date.
Then, I remember at an editorial meeting at the office how my editor said it was the best article I had done for them (and I wrote a lot of articles for them! Haha!).
Now, what I would like you to do, since you’ve read this far, is to go over to Magzter and join so you can read all the articles I wrote over there, on your own time.
The print magazine is not around anymore, but it is pretty cool you can read old editions just by joining Magzter!
I was probably hired in 2016, so that is when you can start looking for my articles in those months and editions
I don’t make that much money when you go through this link and pay for a subscription, but every little bit helps me on this ride I’m on called independent/DIY publishing! So thanks in advance.
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