Make Your Own Blog with 3 Simple Web Tools

Making a blog on your own is an intimidating process in the beginning stages, but honestly, once you give it a shot


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Making a blog on your own is an intimidating process in the beginning stages, but honestly, once you give it a shot, it is surprisingly a smooth ride most of the time.  What’s your favorite hobby?  How much do you like writing?  If you have the knack for typing out your personal story or if the idea of reviewing your latest TV show binge or would love to explain why that new Video Game you just bought ain’t all that, then you should probably create a blog like everybody else is doing here on the net.

Below are the three most important services you’ll need to sign up for to get started with creating your own good-looking, professional blog site. Read on to find out what you need to do to get started blogging!

1. Hosting your blog site

Domains usually are like 15 dollars a year, but most services have a 3 year, 5 year or 10 year deal you can pay up front. Also you will see extra things to add like privacy and other things that come up. You want to be able to have a site that is “https://” and not just “http://”.

There’s a lot going on here, I know, but I have like 5 sites all together and if I can handle it you can too!

Be known by your own web domain (en)

2. WordPress for creating your content

WP is the leader in making websites.  They have a free version, but there are no ads if you pay for the WordPress service. 

It’s not hard to learn how to use the WordPress administrative “dashboard” and once you do it’ll become second nature and you’ll be in business. 

3. Get Response for starting your email list or newsletter

For email lists use a place like Get Response. They have a free trial, but after that you have to pay for their service.  It’s very user friendly and I find it’s easy in lots of ways.  Sign up at the link below to get your own account for yourself.

Get your business online with free website builder (en)

Make a Blog, Be a Blogger

Communicating through the blog-o-sphere is one of the most rewarding things I’ve done to stay in touch with friends and to make new ones virtually.  Being creative with WordPress is the “ultimate” with all their plug-ins, keeping yourself organized with MailChimp makes the whole online process easy, with that said, take the time to check out these three services to create your cool blog and then you too can sit in cafes all day with your laptop sipping on those café au laits you like so much.