Day: April 3, 2018

365 Days of Inspiration

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I saw it in one of those free libraries, one of those little cubbies people build on their front lawn, in front of their house, to encourage people to take and leave used books in their neighborhood.

I took "Giant Steps" by Anthony Robbins, "365 Daily Lessons in Self-Mastery."

It's one of those coffee table books or inspirational books you leave in your kitchen or dinging room to open up to a new page every morning to be inspired.

The first thing it says is to be consistent in something and to make a decision on something and it's better to make a decision in public so you go do it.

It's great stuff to think about to make my life more actionable and to build momentum to making inspired change.

I like it and will be reading it everyday for a year I guess to garner more motivation in my life.

If you're up for something like this too, check out the book.