Ray Bradbury and Stephen King Short Stories

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Ray Bradbury and Stephen King Goshdarnblog..com Evan Hundhausen
Ray Bradbury and Stephen King are awesome. GoshDarnBlog.com 2022.

Holding a print book in your hand.

The yellowed pages, the binding on the verge of collapse that only an old printed book copies can provide.

Then there’s the lighting you seek out in the living room, in the den or at that lamp by your bed.  You adjust your eyes to that weathered paperback instead of using your tablet tonight.

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There are only two short story collections that stick out in my mind when it comes to print books from my past..

Ray Bradbury and Stephen King Short Stories.

Ray Bradbury’s The Illustrated Man

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He wrote many stories about Mars and traveling there.  His stories have been turned into the TV shows on “Ray Bradbury Theater and The Illustrated Man was a movie, too.

You can really sink your teeth into this collection.  Every story leaves you thinking about it for hours.

Skeleton Crew” by Stephen King

Whether you’re a fan or not check out this book.  I remember I read it one summer at home when I was in college.

Have you tried Death Wish Coffee?

The stories kept me glued to my dad’s antique couch in the living room while I avoided looking for a summer job.

They grabbed me and didn’t scare me too much, but they were all creepy enough.

The Creep Show” movie was made in the 1980s because of these short stories.

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Thanks for reading Ray Bradbury and Stephen King Short Stories!

If you like short stories try this fiction collection I wrote.

Next Blog Post: Yes, I Wear a Man Purse.

These two are killer reads!