
Aliens Among Us

There's nothing more creepy than having a dream that you're paralyzed in your bed or being aware of a presence in the dark, but these two things commonly happen when encountering little green men.  These two books go into great detail to give you the skinny on Alien abductions.

"Communion" by Whitley Strieber

Mr. Strieber has seen things most of us haven't (thank goodness)-- actual aliens.

The best time to read this book is late at night so you're afraid to turn the light off when you finally want to go to bed.  This book will freak you out because it's claimed to be a true story!

Communion was also a movie starring Christopher Walken.

"Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity"

Dr. David M. Jacobs has interviewed many abductees under hypnosis and has a book out.

According to him, it's not sleep paralysis, it's an abduction phenomena.  The aliens literally pull abductees through windows and walls and of course then their are those alien "implants" that come up on the x-rays.

Next Blog Post: Yes, I Wear a Man Purse.

Next Blog Post: Crying as a Trend on the Net

Ray Bradbury and Stephen King Short Stories

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Ray Bradbury and Stephen King Goshdarnblog..com Evan Hundhausen
Ray Bradbury and Stephen King are awesome. GoshDarnBlog.com 2022.

Holding a print book in your hand.

The yellowed pages, the binding on the verge of collapse that only an old printed book copies can provide.

Then there's the lighting you seek out in the living room, in the den or at that lamp by your bed.  You adjust your eyes to that weathered paperback instead of using your tablet tonight.

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There are only two short story collections that stick out in my mind when it comes to print books from my past..

Ray Bradbury and Stephen King Short Stories.

Ray Bradbury's The Illustrated Man

Enter for a bag of candy! Click Here!

He wrote many stories about Mars and traveling there.  His stories have been turned into the TV shows on "Ray Bradbury Theater" and The Illustrated Man was a movie, too.

You can really sink your teeth into this collection.  Every story leaves you thinking about it for hours.

"Skeleton Crew" by Stephen King

Whether you're a fan or not check out this book.  I remember I read it one summer at home when I was in college.

Have you tried Death Wish Coffee?

The stories kept me glued to my dad's antique couch in the living room while I avoided looking for a summer job.

They grabbed me and didn't scare me too much, but they were all creepy enough.

"The Creep Show" movie was made in the 1980s because of these short stories.

Consider buying through the Amazon links above.  I get a commission through their affiliate program when you do.  Thanks!

Thanks for reading Ray Bradbury and Stephen King Short Stories!

If you like short stories try this fiction collection I wrote.

Next Blog Post: Yes, I Wear a Man Purse.

These two are killer reads!

DIY Book Covers

I spent about a year learning how to upload my own creative writing to Amazon and one day I realized I was finally ready to get my hands dirty and join the revolution myself.

There was one problem though. I had everything ready to go, but the book covers.

I happened upon a group I discovered at Meetup.com and it was mainly about how to put you book on Amazon. The consensus was you needed about w $500 dollars to pay an illustrator to get a book cover done..

The book cover seems to be most important aspect to self-publishing your e-book. It’s one of the main deciding factors on whether someone will buy it.

I was short on cash, so I spent some time scratching my head about this problem.

I decided, since I didn’t have a novel done, I’d put some short stories up that I’d finished. They were only fifteen to twenty pages each, but it would help me get my feet wet with the KDP Select program on Amazon. (You can check out my short stories on Amazon by clicking here!).

First I used KDP Select’s own eBook cover creator. It was real easy to use and the covers I made, in the early stages, didn’t look too bad.

But low and behold I discovered something totally better ! I found Derek Murphy’s website www.diybookcovers.com, and downloaded free templates.

Who’s this Derek Murphy character? you’re probably wondering.

Well, he’s a book cover designer and author among many other things. On his website he says :

“I believe the purpose of our lives is to create something unique that entertains, instructs, challenges or helps others. . . More specifically, I help authors and artists produce, promote, and sell more books and paintings.”

Derek has made gorgeous covers for literally hundreds of self-published, indie authors, but when you read about him on his website the most interesting thing he says is that he wants to buy a castle one day. Cool!

So I started working with the free templates in Microsoft Word software. I have Microsoft 2007, so this or higher is recommended.

If you’re used to using Microsoft Word you will have no problem working on the templates. If you need help learning Microsoft Word 2007 you should watch Derek’s videos or search Google and YouTube for instructions. You can read my article about how to use Google and YouTube here.

Once inside the template I added my own image and then typed in my title and name on top.

Then I was done!

That's how helpful Derek's videos were.  I also suggest you check out his books for sale on Amazon.


I highly suggest you visit Derek’s website to learn about making book covers on your own. It’s a great resource!

Now that you’ve read my blog post would you like to buy my e-book for 99 cents? Click here to read my short story collection on Amazon!

Listen to DJ Mixes.

Buy a T-Shirt.

Read This And SMiLe.

Stick with me on this idea for just a second here, will ya?

I want everybody to smile.

It takes mojo. It takes “intention.” It takes energy. It might even take going to the gym to raise your serotonin levels a bit.

Wear a smile from ear to ear in the early AM when you order a coffee from a tired barista.

Make an effort to smile at work when no one wants to be there.

Make an effort to smile when stress levels reach code red.

It’s worth it because like laughing smiling is contagious.

It’s the only virus that really needs to infect our way too serious society.

It’s an urgent issue.

Yesterday I got a nice compliment that I had great self-esteem and I’m really laid back.

I’m proud of being this way, too.

It’s not like I reached this level of “easygoing-ness” by accident.

I saw therapists for years.


Sometimes I even found it so hard to smile that I saw my therapist twice a week to talk about how miserable I was.

So a certifiable looney-tune who paid too much for counseling is trying to get you to smile! ;)

Now, you can’t tell other people what to do. Like you can’t say to some a-hole on the street, “Smile you muther f-er!”

But it would be cool if you could do that.

Even an ugly person who smiles looks “pretty” all of a sudden. ;)

The best thing you can do for yourself is to smile at people and watch them follow your lead.

Watch those great opportunities you’ve wanted in life start flooding towards you!

The best managers and bosses smile.

It’s true.

You know it is because you’ve worked for these types before and just ate them up like sugar!

Plus any boss appreciates an employee with a good attitude over someone with a bad one.

I’ve read Tony Robbins books and he says great things about smiling.

He’s even famous for his toothy, smiling mug isn’t he?

Anyway, join me in this movement.

And smile, good-looking!

Now that you’ve read my blog post would you like to buy my e-book for 99 cents? Click here to read my short story collection on Amazon!

Listen to DJ Mixes.

Buy a T-Shirt.

Crying is a Trend on the Net

I guess all the bloggers got tired of talking about positivity, but crying is good for you, too.

But I still don’t know why crying needs to be advertised.

If this “hot,” “new” subject interests you I can tell you a lot about crying .

I did a lot of it through the years until I decided to stop and try other things.

It might’ve just been “growing pains,” but mostly it was over girls.

A long time ago I read a statistic that the #1 profession for depression was being a poet.

I won first place in a poetry contest when I graduated from college.

One time I told a therapist I cried alone by myself, when I woke up in the morning, in the shower… She told me I shouldn’t be crying like that because it meant I was unhappy.

I don’t do that anymore, but I still don’t feel “happy.”

A week or two ago I read one of the richest men in the world said money doesn’t make you happy in a headline.

He would know since he’s rich!

I don’t know if he should be talking out loud in public, honestly, since he’s going to make everyone who’s not rich hate him!

Apparently you have to “do” or “experience” something to feel happy.

Fruits and vegetables mixed up in a blender or juicer can help you feel happier.

Exercise will help you feel happier if you can make yourself go to the gym.

Or go for a walk.

Talk to someone who cares about you and go on a walk together.

I remember times when friends told me to cry and sometimes I did and sometimes I didn’t because I thought it was funny they were being so serious for some reason.

I’m a man.

I cry at movies.

I remember once my dad found me crying in my bedroom.

I was trying to write a screenplay about a girl who broke my heart and I started crying.

My dad arrived home, ran up the stairs, and held me. He told me that the girl was just a “doll.”

I still don’t know what he meant by that, but we all got slang we like to use.

Maybe he meant she wasn’t real, so there was nothing to cry about.

“If this is a mental health emergency call 911.”

This is what every psychiatrist’s machine says when you leave a message.

Most of the time when I’ve made an effort to see a shrink it was over a girl.

Instead of exercising, juicing and talking to friends I laid around in my bed in the fetal position.

If you can help it… don’t do that.

It’s a waste of time. Really.

There are people out there who will be nice to you if you look for them.

Ultimately, we are human and crying will always be a trend.

It won’t go away.

Those blog posts shoved into our faces on our web browsers.


But don’t worry.

Those bloggers will start blogging about a new subject soon.

If you like reading my blog posts consider buying through the links in them. I’m an affiliate at Amazon and will get a commission if you choose to buy through it. Thanks!

Get Healthy Juicing

If you purchase through our partner links, we get paid for the referral at no additional cost to you! Visit our disclosure page.

GoshDarnBlog.com 2022.

Which Juicer should you buy?

Haven’t you seen those YouTube videos where aliens are warning us that all the food we eat is poison?

But seriously, fruits and vegetables are healthier than fast food and everyone knows this logic, but rarely do we practice it.

pPlus, there’s no limit to the amount of information there is to becoming healthy online. How do you sift through it?

Not too long ago I saw a great documentary, through my Amazon Prime account, that showed how people get amazing benefits from juicing and cleansing for long periods of time.

Personally, I bought a Jack Lalanne juicer to use

The longest I’ve gone with just juice and no food was 5 days once.

The Gosh Darn Podcast

I felt like I could see more clearly, breathe better, had more energy

Then the only reason I stopped juicing was because I got tired of not having the sensation of putting food into my mouth to chew. Lame but true.

After a day or two juicing I didn’t feel hungry and I kept doing normal daily things. Like at the time I was DJ-ing at night and there was no problem. I had energy.

Reach a Healthy Weight Naturally! Organifi

The only thing that sucks about juicing is cleaning the machine

Today I’m drinking cucumber, kale, ginger, and apples — all juiced in my machine. If the apples are small enough you can put the whole apple in this particular juicer I have.

It’s the New Year (at the time of this writing), so maybe this is something you’re interested in starting for your health routine.

To your health!

Disclaimer: Go see a doctor if you have health concerns and ask them if you should start juicing. Do your own due diligence. Lotza Marketing, LLC and Evan Hundhausen are not making any health claims and are not responsible for anything. It is understood that this writing is for entertainment and educational purposes only.

Get the PDF... Click Here!

Amazon owns everything so why not your TV, too?

Amazon owns everything so why not your TV, too?
Amazon owns everything so why not your TV, too? GoshDarnBlog.com 2022.

In the town where I live there is a Whole Foods, owned by Amazon, and Google literally built a huge HQ office across the street from it, so if you’re wondering who owns the world… think no further.

I bought an Amazon Fire TV Stick in December and I’ve been really enjoying it.

Ultimately, with the Amazon Fire Stick, your TV turns into a movie and app super-station and it’s a fun time!

You can literally talk into the microphone inside the remote and say like “Jean-Claude Van Damme” and you will get a list of all things JVCD like Jean-Claude Van Johnson, a new comedy on Amazon Prime.

You can buy lots of movies if you want or you can sign up and pay around ten bucks a month for Amazon Prime. The selection is not bad and they have original programming. Plus you get free shipping and discounts when you shop on Amazon.

It’s easy to see this is much cheaper than cable, like if you subscribed to just Amazon Prime and Netflix that would be around 20 bucks a month. There is an initial fee of 39 bucks to buy the physical TV fire stick set-up. It works over your wi-fi internet connection.

The only real problem with the Fire Stick and Amazon Prime is you sometimes pull up these awful movies made by amateurs (like when you pull up crappy books with bad reviews on Kindle). It’s a free-for-all, so if you’ve made a movie, by all means go upload it on Amazon Prime so I can watch it!

Get $20 Bucks off by clicking this link!

You should know when you turn on your TV and then press your Fire Stick button the movie you paused from the night before will start running instantly from where you left off. Convenient.

If you like games you can download them, but you have to buy a joystick to play some of those. Some can be played on your Fire Stick remote though.

You can also search the web through an app but it is cumbersome typing in website addresses, so you may need a keyboard.

If you haven’t gotten the Fire Stick yet you should consider buying it today to enjoy all the movies!

Like my blog post about how amazon owns everything so why not your TV, too?

Then consider buying through the links in them.

I’m an affiliate at Amazon and will get a commission if you choose to buy through it. Thanks!

14 Hemp Costume Ideas

Hemp fashion is all the rage when it comes to  summer festivals or even 420 events.  You can read all about the benefits of hemp in the book "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" by Jack Herer or  "Hemp Bound" by Doug Fine, but maybe you already own those  books because you're a true hemp activist and only a hemp fanatic like yourself is going to find a way to make hemp part of any get-up for that costume party you're going to or even for Halloween, right?  Some of these ideas are sure to be a conversation starter at any hemp harvest party you go to, so check them out below.

1. Hemp Model

If you want to look hot this Halloween then be a “Hemp Model.”  Hemp is “in” and by no means should you shy away from flaunting these fashionable hemp items.  If you don’t believe us just Google “hemp fashion shows” and see what comes up!

Hempys.com sells some nice clothes items like their hemp festival vest, hemp jeans and also they have a hemp chain wallet so you don’t lose it while you’re out partying.

At e4hats.com you can order their brimmed hemp hats and at headcovers.com you can get a fedora if you would like.

For women you must check out hempest.com and see their sexy, stylish dresses like their 37% hemp fabric mojito dress and hood dress to make you more witchy or fairy like, take your pick.  Don’t forget to order hemp leggings from recreator.org or if you really need to go all the way look up “hemp underpants” at Etsy.com!

A company called Rawganique has all sorts of hemp clothing available for sale and even shoes.

Can you dig it?

2. Hemp Jesus

Nothing could be more righteous than being “Hemp Jesus” this Halloween.  Maybe you could carry around a bottle of CBD oil to bless people with a dropper full, but remember, CBD is not a “cure all” no matter what people be saying about it on the Facebooks! But that thought shouldn’t stop you because it’s Halloween and being Hemp Jesus means you can make miracles happen.  

You could sew your own costume for that authentic look by getting some hemp fabric at a textiles company like hemptraders.com or you can just order a hemp bathrobe at rawganique.co.  

To be a hip and sexy Hemp Jesus check out The Hemp Cooperative’s bone colored, unisex, 100% hemp poncho to show off your fit torso.

For your feet go to Etsy.com and search “Pure Hemp Flip Flop.”  Also try rainbowsandals.com to get an authentic hemp look for the footwear part of your costume.  

3. Shower Curtain

You can be a hemp shower curtain for a costume party thanks to Rawganique, a "trusted name in hemp since 1997!"  Don't fear. This shower curtain is PVC-free, sweatshop free, eco-friendly and it's organic hemp from Europe, not China.  There's no chemicals or toxins in this bad boy so when you're done wearing it at the costume party go home and hang it to make your shower look very nice.

4. Sea Shepherd Conservationalist

Just go buy a Noordic Parka from us.hoodlamb.com and dress up like Paul Watson, marine wildlife and environmental activist and also the Captain on that show “Whale Wars.” He’s also founder of The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society a non-profit, marine conservation organization from Washington State on San Juan Island.

The shell and the lining of the parka are partly made of hemp and if it’s cold this Halloween night then it will surely keep you warm. Plus it has secret pockets for your stash!  You could also sport a men’s or women’s Sea Shepherd T-shirt, too.

Part of the sales of these items goes to support The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.

5. Pajama Party Costume

This costume idea is cozy. Try on some hemp long johns over at hempest.com then buy yourself a hemp plush stuffed animal from Times Hemp Company as an accessory to your outfit. 

If you add some fake blood and white make up you can be a Zombie in their PJs, which should creep out just about anyone and could possibly win you a costume contest prize!

6. Hemp Farmer

Doug Fine is an amazing author who's written extensively about agricultural and even hemp.  He's written "Too High to Fail," "Hemp Bound," and "Farewell my Suburu" about how he got "off the grid." If being a hemp farmer or building tiny houses made of hemp is in your future then go buy some hemp clothes made just for that!

Patagonia has lots of hemp clothing to wear for your hemp farmer’s costume. Try their fishing and travel shirt, a button down that’s super light and breathable or try their multi-functional pair of shorts made of 55% hemp. To top it off check out their M's Iron Forge Hemp Canvas Ranch Jacket, M's Iron Forge Hemp Canvas Double Knee Pants and then add the Tin Shed Hat, all the color brown, to really get that Hemp Farmer authenticity.

7. Yoga Instructor

Check out these Women's Juniper pants by Prana. They are an "organic cotton hemp stretch jersey blend."

Then carry your yoga mat in this hemp carrying bag. Look cool with this thing no doubt!

8. Carry your treats in a hemp bag!

If you are a hemp freak you will want a hemp bag to carry your candy haul with.  Hempy’s and Hempmania sell some nice bags for you to tote around on Halloween Night as you walk the streets of your neighborhood. 

Or you can use the bag when you go to that nifty hemp convention you have marked on your calendar.  You know you will need it to carry home all those CBD oil, lotion and chap stick samples you're going to get for free there! For real.

9. Hemp Baby

Dress your baby in hemp clothes and make them look more cute than creepy this year!

Check out the website earthcreations.net and buy a “snappie” made from 55% hemp and 45% organic cotton or go to Etsy and look up “Hemptots Natural Hemp Tee” to make your babe look adorable.

Look up “Mustard Hemp Coat” on Etsy to see a cute coat that makes your kid look like an Elf with its pointy hood and big wooden buttons.

10. Hemp Candles

You’re definitely going to decorate your house with jack-o-lanterns to scare the trick or treaters when they come knocking on your front porch door this year, so why not use hemp candles to creep everyone out?

At Hempy’s they hand pour and make them in San Diego, California.  Their Rainwater candle contains Jasmine, Tuberose and Essential oils and then they also have available their Egyptian Amber and Sandalwood hemp candle.  Fragrant and made with a hemp wick and hemp oil they burn 20-25 hours.

11. Samue Set

Look great in a traditional Japanese Kimono!

12. Martial Arts Gi

We imagine you could pass yourself off i as your favorite martial arts hero in this "Hypnotik ZenRoll" Hemp Jiu Jitsu Gi.  Chuck Norris maybe?

13. Medieval Outfit

Last, but not least,  if you're going to a Renaissance Fair, check out this hemp medieval shirt below.

14. Pets

Walk your pet around with a collar made of hemp.

Or maybe you just want some hemp pet toys for your favorite dog or cat? They deserve a treat like this, don't they?

Have Fun!

This is just a smattering of what you could do to make yourself more hempy this year. Now, go use your own imagination and creativity to brainstorm about how you could show your support for hemp culture this Hemp-o-ween.

13 Halloween Toys

When I was a kid I went to Niagara Falls a couple times with my family for vacations.

Once there we would go to seafood restaurants and play mini-golf after, but also, at some point, we'd visit the haunted house, the wax museum, the torture museum and even the "Ripley's Believe it or Not" museum.

If I remember correctly I think there was even a Houdini museum.

Yeah, we saw the falls, too, and went on that boat wearing hooded orange ponchos like everybody else, but all those weird, haunted, elaborate attractions definitely left an impression on me.

Nowadays, if I wanted to, I could take a page from Niagara Falls' book and make my own house into a haunted one and you can, too, because some of the same gimmicks I saw at the Falls as a child are now for sale on Amazon!

Here are 13 examples you can go check out for yourself to decorate your home this Hallow's Eve.

The Haunted Mirror

Check out this Motion Activated Haunted Mirror on Amazon.

1. Motion Activated Haunted Mirror with Creepy Sound/Luminous Portrait Halloween Prop Decoration

Nothing could freak you out more than staring into a haunted mirror waiting for an animated image to scare you pants off! Stuff like this frightened me as a kid and made me question what's real and what isn't!?

$18.99 on Amazon!

Bringer of Death

The Grim Reaper is the bringer of death.

2. Prextex 5 Ft. Animated Hanging Grim Reaper Skull with Shackles Chains Best Halloween Decoration Prop

The porch to your house will just be barren without a Grim Reaper there. It has a skull with blinking red eyes to freak out trick or treaters. It's 5 foot tall, makes, scary sounds and the hands shake.

$25.99 on Amazon!


You are going to need lots of lit up attractions in order to make your house look really cool.

3. 2017 Night Creatures Halloween Red Blinking Eyes Scary Decorations Outside Lights Props Animatronics

Buy these blinking eyes to light up your walls, the front porch or your garage. They look like a bunch of creepy creatures in the woods just waiting to pounce!

$24.99 on Amazon!

4. 7 Pack - 9ft Neon Glow Light El / Electroluminescent Wire Variety Color (Blue/Red/Green/White/Yellow/Orange/Purple) - 3 Mode Battery Controller - Party Decoration Wedding Halloween Music Festival

Everyone needs some glowing light strings. Click here to see examples of how people outline their Halloween masks with this stuff for a cool effect!

$28.99 on Amazon!


Digital effects and projections are all the rage and here are a few you should check out to scare or "annoy" your neighbors. Take your pick!

5. AtmosFearFx Witching Hour Halloween DVD Projector Kit with 1900 Lumen LED Video Projector, Reaper Brothers High Resolution Window Rear Projection Screen and AtmosFearFX Witching Hour DVD

If you don't own a projector or screen you can order this full package deal to really go over the top this Halloween!

$249.99 on Amazon!

6. AtmosFEARfx Phantasms Digital Decoration

You can play these scary DVDs on your flat screen TV continuously if you don't have a projector.

$39.99 on Amazon!

7. AtmosFEARfx Ghostly Apparitions Digital Decorations

You could have the projection screen hanging from two trees in your yard or just hang it right in front of a window, like in your attic, pointing out onto the street to make it look like it's haunted up there with a real live ghost!

$39.99 on Amazon!

3D, baby! Yeah!

Get creepy in 3D this year and really wow the kiddies who come to check out your haunted house for tricks or treats.

8. AtmosFX 3DFX Form

You aim the projector onto a "human-shaped inflatable vinyl form," standing over 5 ft tall, to make this attraction creepy as hell!

There's also sound so you can really present something unique that everyone in your neighborhood will be talking about for days.

$59.99 on Amazon!

A Window Wonderland for Hallow's Eve, Thanksgiving and X-mas!

If you want to be ready for Christmas after your Halloween fun is over, then check out these projection devices.

9. New 2017 Star Shower Window Wonderland by BulbHead Includes 12 Original Movies for Christmas (6) and Halloween (6) (1 Pack)

You just plaster the screen against the window of your choice, aim the projector at it and now you got movies for people to see from the street for both Halloween and Christmas!

$59.99 on Amazon!

10. New 2017 Slide Show by BulbHead - Includes 12 Full Color Slides for Christmas (6), Halloween (2), Other Holiday/Celebrations (4)

$39.99 on Amazon!

Props and Decorations

If you need something simple and not complicated try these wall, window and yard decorations.

11. Amscan Halloween Trick or Treat Asylum Party Scene Setters Mega Value Wall Decorating Kit (Pack of 32), Multicolor, 65" x 32 1/2"

People can see them from your windows or inside on your walls. They won't be like CGI. More like how they used to do it in the olden days for those 50 and 60s movies. Think a big painted backdrop for the background. You know what I mean, scary bean!

$9.45 on Amazon!

12. Smartcoco Broken Finger Hand Foot Scary Bloody Broken Body Parts Halloween Prank Props Decorations

Nothing is creepier than having body parts lying around your living room or "panic" room this season.

$3.49 on Amazon!

13. Prextex Pack of 4 Halloween Décor 22” RIP Graveyard Lightweight Foam Tombstone Halloween Decorations RIP

Rest in peace this year with your very own graveyard in your yard! It's a simple, cheap, yet effective way to decorate.

$24.99 on Amazon!

Celebrate Halloween in style!

Whatever you do this Halloween makes sure it freaks you out, but be safe. Halloween is fun for the whole family and with some of these gadgets and props your "homemade" haunted house will look amazing!


For Bands Only!  7 Tips.


On a Thursday night in September, at Old Fire House Books in Fort Collins, Tim Wenger lectured about how to run a band successfully.

There the small audience in the bookstore received invaluable insight taken from Tim's own experiences touring with his own band.  He also talked about all he learned from his experience as a music editor at a major publication and his job as venue manager working nightly at a club in Denver.

Read on to find out what Tim had to say about how to succeed as a band in today's musical landscape.

  1. Press Releases

"Pitching media is a big part of being in an independent band and pitching them correctly is an important thing," said Tim.  "Let them know that you're building a buzz around town and they will cover you.  It's their job."

Tim explained that the media does not want to "miss out" on something hot or cool like your band playing on a Friday night.  Tim also stressed the importance of acting professionally in your email.

"I've seen so many emails come into me written in all caps or completely lacking punctuation or using like hip-hop vernacular or any other form of complete un-professionalism."

Editors delete emails immediately if it's not done professionally Tim said,  so be sure to include a press release, a high resolution photo, a link to your music, a link to your social media account and give the editor a good reason why they should cover your event like your latest record release or a new music video.  Tim stressed you should "hype" it up.

"If you don't get a response in a few days there's absolutely no harm in sending a follow up email."

Visit Tim's website HelpMyBand.net.  It provides a sample press release you can use as a reference.

  1. Image is everything!

When it comes to social media bands should post regularly, use a pic and portray an image of them moving forward in the local scene.

Tim talked about how tempting it is to be negative on social media.  For example, it would be easy to bash the club you played at last night because things didn't go so well, but don't do it!

According to Tim you need to stay away from negative social media all together.

"The entire foundation of a band is built on attracting people to your band and to do that you need to create an image of positive progression.  You need to create an image of a community around your band... You want to be out there mingling, you want people to see you, you want people to see that you're part of the community and you're building a movement around your band."

  1. Pre-sell tickets for shows.

"What I see a lot of bands around Denver that are very successful doing... actually driving them to people," said Tim. "Set up like one night a week leading up to the show where one or two of your guys are going to drive around town and deliver these tickets. Take them to people's work.  Take them to people's houses.  Do anything you can to get the tickets in people's hands."

The more tickets your band sells the better the times slots, dates and shows you will get down the line because promoters and managers at the venues will see you're results.

  1. The night of the show.

"You want people to leave the club with the image of you as being a professional," explained Tim. "You always want to have merchandise.  You always want to have T-shirts, music.  Give them away something for free.  Everybody should be leaving with something that has your name on it every single time.  There's really no excuse for that not to be happening.  Digital download cards are a great way for that to happen."

Tim's favorite website for musicians is BandCamp.com.  For merchandise he likes BigCartel.com when it comes to selling your band's wares.

  1. Touring Hacks

 Befriending another band in another town is a "tried and true technique" according Wenger when it comes to finding a way to go on tour with your band.

"Contact a band in that town, in your genre, and just talk to them," said Tim. "Ask them if they'll host you, you know, do a show swap.  They bring you to their town.  You bring them to your town."

Tim emphasized the most valuable thing a traveling musician could have is other bands that are friends in other towns.

"It's basically worthless to play somewhere once and never go back again," Tim added.

He mentioned the term "routing," which is how you expand your fan base in other areas.

You should go back every six months to a year and the people who saw you last time will come back and bring their friends to your next show.

There is also another term Tim brought up called "circling," which is how bands expand their circle.

"Maybe it's Denver, Grand Junction, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Albuquerque, and then the next time you go you add two more dots to that circle, you know, you add Pueblo or Santa Fe or whatever it might be and you slowly expand your circle... It works."

  1. Road Etiquette

There's no sleep on the road and too much junk food is bad for you, so Tim suggests putting ice in a cooler and storing good food to eat while in the van.

Also "me time" doesn't happen so much on the road and before your live show that night you should take some time to go on a walk, go do your laundry or sit in a cafe to get away from your band mates and to recharge your batteries.

  1. Can I make a living with my band?

In all of Tim's experiences in bands he never pocketed any money.  All the money made went right back into expenses and merchandise.

"It's a very taboo subject and it's something that's really sensitive for a lot of people," Tim said. "It's the 'dream' and it drives a lot of bands apart and it's very stressful over time when you're not making any money and maybe you have a kid or a wife or whatever it is. You have obligations.  You have rent.  It's tough.  That's why I emphasize so much the making it be a part of your life, but not the entire thing.  I think that's the biggest thing that leads to burnout... There's a reason why I don't have a chapter in my book called How to Sell a Million Records because I haven't sold a million records."

So, I have a band!

Tim says the biggest problem with bands is breaking up and he wrote his book to help keep bands together instead of apart.

"The entire impetus for this book is to help bands manage themselves better, present themselves better, so they can last for more than six months, two years."

Get all the advice you need on running your band today by buying, "So, You Have a Band: The definitive guide to presenting your band as serious business" by Tim Wenger in Kindle e-book form or print on demand over at Amazon.
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